Have you been joining us for our weekly happy hour meet ups? We have some great speakers lined up for you!
May 27: Authentic Vacations, introducing "Authentic America" June 3: American Steamboat Company and GLOBUS June 10: UNCRUISE and Special Needs at Sea June 17: TBA If you are interested in joining us at 4PM every WED until further notice, visit the following link! To add the events to your calendar, CLICK HERE or visit: https://zoom.us/meeting/tJEscu6vqTIsGtKcowpMWnjIqCY50FZ006JY/ics?icsToken=98tyKuCtrz4tHdOcthmBRowMBY_4KO3wtlhdjbd2nxDyEw1kbAnfJ8F7Z-JZKoiA To join the meetings directly CLICK HERE or visit: https://zoom.us/j/95157779606 Meeting ID: 951 5777 9606 If you would like to join by phone, you can call 253.215.8782 or find your local number to call by visiting: https://zoom.us.u/ab5NJuVwcB . Make sure to use Meeting ID: 951 5777 9606
Your Greater Seattle Chapter Board would like to thank everyone whoo attended our very first virtual chapter meeting. We would of course prefer to see all of our members smiling faces in person, but this was a great way to stay connected and get the important information we need. We are currently in talks about a future virtual meeting and will let you know when we have the details.
For those that missed the meeting, we were joined buy ASTA's Vice President of Membership and Expansion, Bob Duglin and also Sandy Doss, BDM from Mayflower Cruise and Tours. Bob caught us up on everything ASTA is doing to support its members during this time, and also informed us of what they are doing to continue the fight for us in the future. Sandy gave us a great look into what Mayflower offers, including their wide selection of domestic opportunities for travel and a small peek at their European River Cruise offerings. We apologize, the recording of the meeting failed, however, you will find some screenshots of some of the display slides below. We are happy to announce we will be holding a May Virtual Chapter Meeting. The information and specifics can be found in the graphic below!
Date: May 11 Time: 11:00 AM No pre-registration is needed, just CLICK HERE to join, or visit the site using the below information: https://zoom.us/j/95897589062?pwd=dE51YitRYy9vakc2TElpVW5xM0xOQT09 Meeting ID: 958 9758 9062 Password: 905551 |
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